lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Keeping practicing; Ref AS021-AS032

Experimental FreeHand drawing to check a diluted solvent

jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

Breaking the routine with different themes
Ref OS021 & OS022

Markers and Zippo Lighter Fluid as solvent
One way to standardize the color of the markers to avoid edging application is applying a rag wipe with  lighter liquid gently thru the area you wish to improve
It´s quite difficult to repass the automovile base lines thru freeHand but I already gained some confidence to do it, base in practice,
Well I´ll keep practicing next time I´ll be using powder talc mixed with hard pastels and blending with a rag to get the right depth of color to enhance shapes, rather tan across it, I´ll be using the rag like a paint brush to help me build forms, because as you can see in my following sketch the color is not so uniform but this sketch make me gain the experience I´m looking for
Ref AS020 
Chevrolet Malibú; second generation 1968 SS396
(off the record.- a Beatiful car)

martes, 15 de julio de 2014

Ref AS019 sketch made with markers and acrylic paint in a rough paper base.
Taken from a picture of Pinjar Park motorcycle speedway with Kyle Newman

Painting with Markers
markers alone are not sufficient to produce complete images, therefore I combine it with materials such as inks, acrylics, Polychromos pastels, colored pencils, masking paper, different rules and blades, solvents and now I´m starting to work on different base papers , for more brighter colors you need a whiter paper; also the key painting are related with  strokes by the ends beveled,

Another example ref AS018

lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Automotive sketching
Through out these days.-  I´m now sketching for a couple of reasons, first and more important, the love for cars and motorcycles, the world looks quite different when you are above a bike or a car you like it.--- and second; because my prior painting experience, now it´s helping me to represent what I like in the way I like, by the moment at the sketches now I´m working on,  making  me more skilfull as I´m trying different approaches, for instance the following paint was made with pencil, then acrylic and above all markers to define lines
(The white color is important to keep since the begining, and the shadows are made from pale to dark to assure the transparency and reflections in every detail.)- like I said these are practice to take in account as I´m progressing
 In the other hand I´m going to check through related information how to became a better sketch painter so this will be a work in progress, as I´ll be painting I´ll  post these Jobs

       AS017 Clay Regazzoni, Ferrari 312T2; V12 182 1976

                                                      Dodge Charger 1972 AS022

jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

Free hand sketching
Trying to be creative, now I´m working in something quite different, .-  nevertheless  related with drawings

I´ll be working also with markers, in several ways from thick to thin lines, high contrast áreas, or a forced perspective

This new painting line will be classified as ASXXX (Automotive Sketch with a consecutive number, which I´ll be improving with practice, I´m doing this because sometimes I want to try something different in order to avoid some type of routine, as a matter of fact with more knowledge somebody is more creative as thumb rule;.- well I hope this new line help me to be more skillful
Following some of my past sketching Jobs; which I´ll continue in my following blog editions

AS001 - AS009