jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

"The forgotten doll" ref 789-C002(reproduction drwg)
Made with pencil and markers, but incomplete due the pencil main lines, dirty the doll markers application

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Now I´m going to work in different characters, through color pencils, markers and acrylic paint with different applied porcentages of each, at different stages of the work, until get satisfactory results, the following drawing reproduction starting with pencil to confogurate main shapes, then completed with markers and pencils according tones and shapes, most of the drawing this time was made with markers ---but as I did quite loose I had to add acrylic paint to uniform basically some white colors ,.- This serie of drawings will be classified with letter "C" for character .- so my new series of drawing will start with ref C001:

                                        Ref C001 "The Schoolgirl"
 Tell me and I forget; Teach me and I remember; Involme and I learn

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

Ref 786
Markers plus acrylic paint plus knife w/colored plaster applied to highlight some red tones

Ref 787.- pencil sketch w/clear acrylic tones for highlights

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

                   Ref 785 - S105.- Markers plus acrylic highlights over paper