lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Ref 1078; Acrylic,.- Acrylic over texturized canvas - exercise step by step

This is the result of this exercise

               "Art must take reality by surprise"

First of all, we needs to make a plan ahead of what we need;
The imagination is based mainly upon three characteristics; ubication, shape and color, so we need to cover all these main thougths in our canvas (you can modify each as your convinience also depending in perspective you need warm and cool colors upfront and backstage.- the color Wheel also is a good guide  for shadowing  contrast (complementary colors) and for work with different dark and light hues (analogous colors) I use to choose my main colors by (Split complementaries) so base on that let´s start this painting

1.- Cut the canvas on cardboard in accordance your own plan, I use to cover with tape a frame around my work area

2.- You can transfer your sketch with graphite paper o just sketch free hand the basic lines
sometimes I use pen above pencil initial lines when I need to follow some critical lines ( i.e. portraits)
because the 3rd step is to cover these lines with modeling paste .-- pencil lines needs to be strongly marked for reference (modeling paste depending in the amount added is semi-transparent)

3.- You can add modeling paste directly with a spatula to cover all canvas with natural color or as I´m recently I´m working base on practice.- I add some watercolor average hue to mix with and take advantage to start giving color to the painting .- I use watercolor because is transparent making easy the following steps  

You need to work fast once you needs to cover one área and you can add the color modeling paste either with and old hard brush or with a small spatula

4.- Once you have covered all canvas it is better to have a smooth surface to work with because if that is quite texturized will be difficult to complete the painting in a easy way, so before is completely dry I use a big spatula to make everything smooth at the surface sometimes to add alittle bit of wáter with your fingers it´s enough

5.- This is half of this process now you have your underpainting to work with so be sure everything is completely dry for next steps

6.- I always combine and mix colors so prepare enough to cover accordingly this is the time to use acrylic paintings wet on wet as much as posible and lift up painting and/or integrate colors with the help of and aborbent paper

7.- Once completed and again completely dry ---final details needs to be added with a fine brush
Acrylic dry fast so its quite convenient for details

Here is the final result with its White frame

martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Ref 1075.- Watercolor over Stardream color paper
"Blowing kisses"

Reference a photograph found in the web

Ref 1074.- Watercolor & gouache over Stardream blue color paper
"Find me where the music meets the ocean"

Ref 1073 / 1074 Interpretation from a photograph  in watercolor and in acrylic over texturized canvas

ref 1073 "It is not all the talk, but walking that will bring us to heaven"
Watercolor over cold press paper
The reference and my interpretation

"Don´t play the saxophone, let it play you"
Acrylic over texturized canvas
Same ref. as above but now in acrylic versión

Graphical sequence

Ref 1072.- Experimenting with perspective to pop up a figure from the paper

"The Gothic Doll"

A.- before paper been fold
B.- Paper fold and cut to take a photograph with a proper perspective
C.- Trying to give more color and shadows

A).- before folding section ,.- the figure should be longer half lower part and seat rails with an angle that after folding looks to be straight

B).- After folding and upper half section been cut with some perspective leaving free part of the figure´s head

C).- Add additional shadows to give more deep
(this should be first, nevertheless this is just an experimentation to check on perspective results)

Ref 1071.- Experimenting with watercolor as underpainting and acrylic for finishing over texturized canvas (first try)

Graphical sequence.- modeling paste over vanvas in cardboard protected with tape during first stages
As this an experimental process I´m not writing details just I´m recording the different stages  in photographs

Ref 1070.- Watercolor /  Experimental painting for texturing ideas -- sand and water over Stardream gold color paper

"Life does not count the steps you've taken, but the tracks that you are leaving"
Watercolor experimental painting for texturing ideas for sand and water over Stardream gold color paper

Notes is easy to apply varnish over the left side to represent better the wáter

Graphical sequence: Modeling paste pre-colored has been added in order to texturize accordingly



Ref 1069.- Watercolor/ Exercise trying to make some light reflections

Heavenly music at the Cathedral of the sea Catalunya
Exp. WC painting over Stardream silver color paper

Notes.- I guess I need to make heavy dark shadows to make a better contrast