domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Ref 1173.- Mixed media; Conte pastel pencil & watercolor--
                                    indistinctly, thru different áreas

"Horses make a landscape looks beautiful"

  Initial steps liquid masking and watercolor free hand sketching

Ref 1172.- Experimenting with diluted ink and watercolor

"Everything past fast over this track, Why I´m not?"


lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Ref 1171 Mixed Media; Gouache & pastel pencil exercise

Night Gallery´s painting Stories
--> "Have been reporting sightings of an unsettling girl carrying balloons after midnight into the park"
(Gouache & Pastel pencil over stardream black color paper)

Ref 1170.- Watercolor exercise

"Love what you do, is the best way of relax"
Ardennen Durbury Luxembourg
Watercolor over cold press paper

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

Ref 1168/1169 // Acrylic exercises

"Unexpected kisses are the best"
Acrylic over texturized canvas + a dab of creativity

No expectations, no disappointments

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Ref 1167.- Acrylic // Acrylic over texturized canvas on cardboard (Additional exercise)

Graphical main steps:
(see ref 1164,1166 for additional details on steps)

                    "If you´re not lost, you´re not much of a explorer"

Ref 1166.- Acrylic // Acrylic & Watercolor over texturized canvas

                           "There is no such thing as - just a cat -"

Main Steps (see ref 1164 for basic comments)

1.- Reference main lines made with a pen
while modeling paste is colored with acrylic paint to form the paste for painting above the canvas

First layer is just modeling paste applied with a big spatula then with wáter in my fingers I flatten the surface with care and wait for become completely dry
Then I start to apply the modeling paste with darker color to suggest buildings into the background
either with a small spatula or hard flat brush in accordance the idea

Now the main tip, as the watercolor is more translucid than acrylic I applied yellow color to uniform background, then with yellow (acrylic) I colored modeling paste to reinforce just some areas

Now I apply White (acrylic) to conform lights all over to define illumination and use of fine brushes to define the cat and some lines with darker color

The watercolor properties unifies pretty good and mixed well with acrylic which once is dry is more difficult to modify with the additional wátercolor yellow  used above

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Ref 1165 // Watercolor & gel- wáter soluble ink exercise

                          "Don´t make a storm in a glass of water"

Ref 1164.- Acrylic // Acrylic over texturized canvas on cardboard

Graphical main steps:

                            "Let this time, a smile be the umbrella under the rain"

1st.- Mask a frame to work with, into our canvas on cardboard
Sketch with pen main features and then apply a layer of ligth modeling paste, ligthly colored with Green into the upper side and White or plain modeling paste at the bottom with a large spatula, the modeling paste is depending in the thickness a Little bit transparent, that why I sketch with pen so I can see the main lines references and avoid the dirtier graphite pencil.- Once the layer has been applied I wet my fingers to wet the surface to make it dries a Little bit more even or flat

2nd.- Once it is througly dry I start by painting the figures, as they will be under the rain I  didn´t define it at all

3rd I worked the background with different blends of greens and scratches of spatula to suggest branches and fences

4th step.- The acrylic once it is dry Works pretty good for next layers above without be disturbed,
So I took advantage of White (gouache) with a dab of blue to conform the rain drops orientation
(note the gouache can be reactivated  with additional wáter so you can compose until be satisfied
also I did use absrbent paper to integrate and avoid strong edges into the composition,

5th steps.- final touches now I can use White acrylic  for highligth some lines and/or drops
and make more deeper shadows accordingly

domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

Ref 1163; // Watercolor exercise;

            "Only the wind knows where it will carry our dandelion souls"

viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Ref 1161; 1162 // Mixed media .- Watercolor + pastel pencil; exercises

Watercolor baseline or underpainting

Pastel pencil to complete  "The Guppy"

Exercise 2;

Same technic but wáter for dilution it has alcohol 1:1 to get color granulation

Addition of color integrated with the help of absorbent paper (to avoid color strong edges)

watercoloring completation along with my signature before proceed with pastel pencil

Pastel pencil application

Completed;   "The Porcupine"

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Ref 1160.- Mixed media // Watercolor & Pastel pencil

Pastel is opaque and dense while watercolor is thin and traslucent, however they can be combined successfully to créate images of considerable depth and subtley, the watercolor is usually laid first, then overpainted with pastel. Works pretty good to develop colr contrast and textural detail

This is an exercise with such technique;

                      "Nature itself dances; why wouldn´t you?"

Paper is Canson 98 lbs 1st Step is basically watercolor laid

2nd step is pastel pencil reinforced with dark watercolor lines as be required to get the idea
and finally some watercolor touches for final details into the background

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Ref 1158.- Watercolor // Exercise with Stardream White color paper

                              "I´m not lost, I´m exploring"