lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Ref 1233 "The Catrina"
(La Catrina has become the referential image of Death in Mexico, it is common to see her embodied as part of the celebrations of Day of the Dead 02 of Nov. throughout the country; she has become a motive for the creation of handcrafts made from clay, costumes etc.)
------ Watercolor over paper -----

Ref 1232
"Trick or Treat, Be so Sweet, Give me Some Candy to eat"
Watercolor over Canson paper 160 gr


Ref 1231 (^^)//
- acrylic completed with gouache over Stardream paper -

Ref 1230 "Life is like a big canvas
throw all the paint you can"
Acrylic over texturized canvas

Ref 1229
"Children are creative they can find magic anywhere"
Acrylic over Stardream Vista color paper
exercise with burnt umber; ultramarine blue; blue lake; crimson & White

Ref 1228 "Shine bright, like a sunflower"
Acrylic over previously texturized Stardream paper

Ref 1227 
"Clay is used to make vases, but it is the emptiness
they contain that would make them useful and prettier"
Technique.- Watercolor mixed with modeling paste and aplied with spatula then background ligth tones (acrylic) vertically apllied with a rag, vase is acrylic paint partially covered with varnish, and the flowers are modeling paste applied with spatula and shadowing with acrylic paint," all over Stardream "Vista" color paper

Ref 1226
"Walking is also an ambulation of mind"
Acrylic complemented with modeling paste mixed with gouache paint over Canson grey color paper 180 gr


miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

Ref 1225.- Acrylic underbase completed with watercolor over Canson grey color paper

"My favorite journey is looking out painting windows"

Main steps;

Ref 1224;. Watercolor over Canson paper

"Be The Goth Queen You Want To Be"

Ref 1223:_ Watercolor and ink water base color; over
texturized Stardream Sapphire color paper

"All artists should put a spark, to
enlighten and set fire to the senses"


Ref 1222; Watercolor over texturized Stardream paper

"Feathers appear when Angels are near"

martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

Ref 1221 / Prismacolor; then Watercolor Then acrylic painting over Stardream coral color paper

"Looking the Heaven"

Main steps sequence;




Ref 1220/ Testing a new method to texturize and mix different colors
with acrylic over Stardream colored paper

Taking advantage of acrylic painting properties as the way it dries and its hardness I mixed grass for scale model with the paint at the time is wet. wet for dry and then complete as normal acrylic painting, giving me a different texture to work with; in some áreas also I applied a Little bit of glue

"Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky"