lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Tackling texture;
Painting creatively, requires an open mind, development of keen observation, habits and the willingness to experiment, .---sometimes I like to experiment and I´m making several mistakes, I do not worry about because, always is part of the learning process, in the following excersice, I thougth I could do it better , nevertheless I had a good time, which is what it counts; 
 I started sculpting the dragon-fly aplying previous colored plaster into the outlined figure, then I complete the overall painting with an average color, following dark color to define, and highligting as required,
Like I said now I have some positive and negative lesson learnts from this painting, ---before I started I had already a sketch which I didn´t follow at all, because to encourage creativity I followed my intuition taking some risks, sometimes work sometimes not, but like I said; is part of the process

PO619, mixed media

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