sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

Integration toward a center of Interest;.-   Some times I like to try something different, with a history on it
the following painting has been trying to mimic nature evoking sound thru our own imagination
Here are some hints in how to organize a painting for additional impact;
- The greatest contrast of dark and ligth
- The most interesting light
- The largest or small shape
- The most or least defined área
- The greatest or least amount of detail
- The brightest or most intense color
- The direction of lines or shapes
- The use of human interest
- The roughest texture
to name a few of them, naturally there are many ways to créate a center of interest, but it is most often done thru carefull placement of the elements above indicated

     the music has been born free and its destiny has always been win freedom
                  The girl playing her violin  (oleo over canvas ref. PO621)

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