This is a new creative developed technique to apply color by mean of previous colored impasto, so there is no particular undercoat necessity, the color is applied with a palette knife and mixed through out the canvas , so when it dries these color layers I apply additional watercolor which work basically as additional color transparency above the particular "different color undercoat" making many color tones working together, in some way is like use collage to build surfaces, the result is in what I´m working with, ----so this is a kind of experiment to become more creative, I´ll do two paintings; one in a lighty environment and one in a dark zone to check color mixing results.- the first is a painting know reference idea.-CO642; and the second will be a candle, within a dark enviroment and the reference was taken from a photography I liked it; .- ref. PO643
first excersize ref CO642
2nd excersize, ref. PO643
I think, after did these two excersizes, they can be enhanced with oil painting glazes due dark áreas are too dull related to dark áreas with oil painting, nevertheless brigth barniz addition can make a difference, at the end what really matters is the result,.- like I said this was an experiment,(up to this point process) which I´ll try to improve through out next paintings
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