Automotive sketching.- my main steps
1.- The first step is the one which take me more time, but it is the most important for me, because the scale dimensions shapes define completely the vehicle, my references are most of the time photographs unless I´ll be working on a new design sometimes I transfer the outline, with tracing paper (just main features and scale dimensions, the rest is made thru free hand with pencil HB
I try to represent shadows but alwas I keep whites as much as posible depending on size
After rendered I start organizing the black and whites spaces (light and shadows) with few critical lines I usually construct with paint where is posible .- I kept the drawing quite simple
2nd Layering dark starting from clear spectrum, at this stage I´m trying to créate rhythm, I still avoid to overworking by keeping the image not too highly rendered, but trying to stablish the value range with special attention and care to the tonal.- colors are relatively simple, my 1st focus is the background for a point of tone and color reference.- all these values will be so helpful as serve as fundamentals for further refinement.- keep me moving in the right direction
3rd.- Up to this point, the extremes of the colors and values needs to start stablishing sometimes I am satisfied with the resemblance, and I can really notice my painting coming togheter (whites or light are the important ones always)
4th.- Final checks and balances, at this stage I´m re-establishing and refining overal values and final details and some accents are added,. a few clean up strokes in the background, proper edges placed adjusting adjusting o re-painting accordingly
The values decreaced or increased for compositional purposes, and as I said the last strokes for creating proper edges until be happy with the outcome or concept
Ref AS035 Cadillac V-16 Boattail Speedster 1930
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