Honda Acura NSX in watercolor
I had some experiences which I like to share trough out this particular intent;
Even once watercolor paint has dried, it remains water soluble. but you can re-wet the dried paint with water on a brush and it will 'turn' back into paint. This means that it was easy to lift the paint off the paper to fix a mistake, lighten a color by removing some of it, or even mix it with new paint. Though you do need to be careful you don't scrub at the paper too much and damage the surface.
Watercolor paint is transparent. You can see through the layers of color you've painted, making it near impossible to hide mistakes. Don't fight against this, but embrace it and work with it.
Because the white in watercolor comes from the white of the paper, not the paint itself, the usual advice is to paint from light to dark. To start with the lightest colors and tones, and build your way up to the darkest. But don't be afraid to experiment with putting down dark colors early on in a watercolor painting, as it may turn out to be an approach that works for you!(note this time wasn´t necessary to use mask I did quite loose
The more paint you use and the thinner the sheet of paper, the greater the likelihood is that the sheet will buckle. This can be prevented by stretching the paper but I didn´t the paper is 300 gr and just buckle the upper side a Little
Main concern I use to care and take more time perfectioning tire and rim details, at the end this section always gives the forcé I need
Ref AS0446 Nissan ACURA NSX
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