miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Watercolor (with spatula) ref 833
For the following watercolor painting I used again a modeling paste médium, to build up textural and three-dimensional effects. this paste it’s perfect for giving a raised effect to subjects such as flower petals, stone walls, and buildings. Apply it on the surface with a spatula, let dry, and paint over it with watercolor — paint will adhere well to the surface. You can also make an imprint into the paste or scratch into it before it dries completely in order to create desired textures. This fine paste has a creamy consistency and may be tinted with tube watercolor or acrylic color, I did just for all petals over watercolor paper Canson 240 gr
                                     Ref 833 Blue hydrangea
                         "Color in a painting is like enthusism in life"

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