Glazing is a term for layering or stacking color, for instance think of different sheets of colored glass or tissue paper one stacked on top of the other. You are able to see through the transparent layers to the ones below, glazing in watercolor is the same idea but instead using thin washes of transparent color. For the cleanest color mixing and purest glazes use only the most transparent color. The reason is these colors allow light to pass through and reflect off of the papers surface leaving beautiful jewel-like effects
How to Glaze
Each layer must be completely dry before the next is applied, remember you are stacking multiple layers of color and if you apply the next layer too quickly you can easily lift the previous layer and mix it into the current one ruining the effect, and depending on the colors you have chosen possible turning the color into mud. How you check if a wash is ready for the next application is to touch it with the back of your hand and if it is cool to the touch it is still too damp. Another thing when using this technique is that to use soft brushes because if the brush is too stiff you can easily lift color and end up with unwanted brush lines
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