Ref 857 Rose Petals
Colour is divided into 3 PRIMARIES which are RED, YELLOW AND BLUE
By mixing these primaries , the SECONDARIES are produced - GREEN, ORANGE AND PURPLE
I use to put primaries first to have the cleanest color
However, in practice it is not possible to obtain perfect primary colours and so it is useful to work with modified primary colours - one each side of the perfect primary on the colour wheel.
Therefore, the perfect red is replaced by two reds - a purpley red and an orangy red, I worked with the first blend toward the shadow zone
So from this, it can be seen that : -
1. the cleanest colour is obtained by mixing the two colours closest together on the colour wheel.
2. by adding the complementary colour , i.e. the third primary colour the mix can be grayed back.
3. warm colours produce warm mixes.
Each petal needs to be worked alone and while is drying you can work in another separete from it
I do not use brush.- just in the edge and then I tilt the paint to go downwards by itself and raising painting with a knife at the bottom, please if something wrong do not try to fix until become dry, otherwise the petals won´t work at all as i did by mistake in the left side of my painting over cold press paper
Ref 857
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