martes, 21 de julio de 2015

Ref 872; Watercolor.- Alternative & Mixed Médiums

there are a number of artists who combine transparent watercolor with various other media, to achieve different effects. These include (but are not necessarily limited to) watercolor pencils or crayons (still watercolor, but in a different form), ink, graphite, charcoal, gouache, colored pencil, metallic ink, pastel pencil, casein, markers and acrylic. The addition of one or more of these additional mediums seems to open up many creative possibilities for the artist. I also included watercolor collage in this section, though watercolor was the only paint used, the addition of layers of different papers does give a different appearance than simply watercolor on a single support.
Transparent watercolor is my favorite medium to work with. I am a relative beginner in watercolor, and I'm sure I haven't made all the discoveries of what I can do with just transparent watercolor, but I also find it fun and educational to experiment with adding other media, just to see what different effects are possible.
The following painting was made with soluble graphite, and phosphorescent markers and with the help of masking fluid, looks dirty, so I´ll try to make with a dark colored paper through out, next time to avoid it, nevertheless the idea was to make a firework with this elements

   Celebrate your successes; Find some humor in your failures but keep learning

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