martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Ref 902;.- Pastel.- Gestural Drawing

The Word "gesture" or the term "gestural mark" refer to a mark that is more exploratory than exact, one line is drawn over another in free and rapid movement of the hand and wrist, the effect gives the impression of movement and the network of lines rather tan one line alone creates the image
I´m building up, my skills in this field, so the following painting is a reproduction, with the idea to make lines as somebody with experience, (before work in my own paintings); So the painting does not have to much colors, for this purpose, just line strokes with light and heavy pressure and side strokes. I was adding pastel and blending to geth the right depth of color and I use a rag like a paint brush to help build up main forms, as in my old drawings always I put special attention to the eyes (main focal point) as this is one of my first paintings this time I did a reinforcement of definition and color with brush and gouache paint, I´ll try to do everything in pastel but for the momento I felt more confident with my old painting stock.- I had a good time by the way, always is good to try different médiums - I guess
Before add additional colors:

Final result:
                 Strathmore paper 500 black color

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