lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Ref 904.- Pastel; Building up a painting

I started with pastel through out my initial painting ref 902, so now I´m learning what I need to do as first thing in this new process (for me), and that is to establish the basic tonal structure, main shapes and colors, this process is know as blocking in; and this is done with hard pastels, they are less crumbly and prone to fall off the paper, provide a solid foundation on which to build u the picture, This is again another painting reproduction, like I said the best way for me to auto learn is to copy the way the artists throw lines in the paintings I like it; the exercises are simple, but provide me with the initial skills I´m looking for.
So summarizing; with hard pastel
1.- Identify the main shapes an colors of your subject
        (use light strokes that do not fill the grain of the paper)
2.- To guide later work identify áreas of dark tone, but do not attempt to
        describe the shapes precisely
3.- Do not take the blocking in process too far ( is the initial foundation)
4.- Start filling in with short Strokes, following the form above the dark initial
       foundation lines and blend it, with your fingers and/or a small semi-hard
       brush (for this particular example)
Notes the drwg as you can see is quite simple, I didn´t change hues yet, just a Little bit of mixing with black and White, in some border´s lines

            "The curved line is the most beautiful line between two points"

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