Final result of this process;
For this particular project; I did a combination of methods without be sure about final result, because of the paper I chose "Strathmore serie 500 which is a good paper for pastel paints but can not resist wet in wet activities, as a watercolor paper either hot or cold press, I did because I wanted to take advantage of the colored paper (light grey for this Project).- Pastel is both a drwg and a painting médium so you don´t need a preliminary underdrawing, therefore I chose Derwent soluble pencils to start and stablish a good foundation
Pencil should never be used for a preliminary drawing, the graphite from which pencils are made is greasy and repels the soft pastel color, but in my Project I´m not using pastel related as should be with this paper I´ll be using modeling paste as shield layer to complete final details
1st step.- This is the questionable part, due the thickness and material of paper
I prepare White color "gouache" and did a wash trying to represent clouds, applied with sponge which mix pretty good with the grey original paper color, Try do not overdue the wet on wet application
to avoid tear the paper,---then dry it before next steps
2nd step I start to block in, the figure main lines and shadows with graphitone which then be diluted with a fine brush accordingly (this is the underpainting for this particular Project)
3rd step.- This is the "layer shield time application" which I´m doing with molding paste applied with spatula trying to make the smallest thickness posible, Note.- before this step you need to fix it once the 2nd step has been completed
This picture has been taken at the middle of this application, so you can see the modeling paste over it and I put my signature on purpose so you can see how transparent is this molding paste shield
4th step.- You can modulate the amount of modeling paste thickness and cover underpainting accordingly, once is dry ( a couple of hours ) I delineate the final lines either with a fine brush or with additional pencil tones or even with markers to complement the different greys required for this figure and again I added White tones to highlight where I wanted to.
Final notes.- I need to look for a better paper for this type of Project
I need to modulate better the tones (with practice)
Again I had a good time working with my projects
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