sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

Ref 932;.-Pastel---- Portrait w/ monochrome color - pastel pencil

PASTEL Pencils vs Regular color pencils?
They are completely different. Pastel pencils are like skinny little hard pastels -- comparable to the texture of Cretacolor Pastel Carre or color Conte or any of the medium-hard narrow square pastels, within a range. They're powdery, they handle like pastels, smudge like pastels and blend like pastels. They are very useful with other sorts of pastels for detailing, cleaning up hard edges, blending soft edges, undersketching or even doing entire passages without changing the matte, powdery pastel look of the piece.

Regular colored pencils are waxy and dense. They have a texture more like a pencil, ranging in hardness from about H to very super soft like an 8B pencil. Some are made with oil in the composition and work well with oil pastels in the same way pastel pencils work well with pastels, for detailing and edging.

Either type of pencils can be used alone of course. But pastel pencils even used alone will result in a pastel drawing.
Regular colored pencils don't even smudge as easily as graphite pencils either, while pastel pencils smudge like pastels.

So that's the difference -- 
(Dark blue and dark brown colors are very good for monochrome sketching to test a pencil's quality and texture)

I tried a monochrome portrait with black color over greenish strathmore series 500, but in a next issue I´ll do with prismacolor pencil to check on results

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