martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Ref 962; Watercolor.- Controlling wet-in-wet washes

Wet-on-wet; would be difficult to maintain as paper dries, so looking for ways to control it, I found wet-in-damp by adjusting the amount of wáter on both sides of the painting
We need to mixes color with minimal amount of wáter in deep Wells of a muffin style, and we need to satúrate the front at the begining and later just the paper back with selective amount of wáter up front, and we need to blots up the excess of wáter with a paper towel and then lays in the lightest light usually a pale yellow, covering almost the entire painting using a damp brush to apply the paint, in this case is better to work from light to dark and focus on the less detailed áreas first, when the paper is drierwe can work in more focused áreas where we need defined edges.
Steps I follow to make the following paint exercise
1.- wet front and back of the paper so the painting surface would adhere to the wáterproof board, and after mixing paints in deep Wells apply warm wash first with a large brush establishing some of the lightest áreas leaving the White of the paper
2.- when surface begin to dry spray the back of the paper to maintain a damp surfaceso we can buil up the darks with layers of painting we need to blott excess of wáter from the brush before apply and only add wáter to the front of the painting with a brush in specific áreas
3.- develop the focal paint of your painting first and concéntrate in light and shadows to further refine the value range
4.- with foreground and subject nearly complete add unifaying shapes and colors to the background to keep edges soft on the distant forms, the damp in the frontsoften edges to harsh
5.- complete as painting dries shapes and color value as necessary

Working like this I got rid of dirty marks made through my las paintings, however I didn´t wait enough for detailed foreground work lines and the vehicle looks out of focus, so you need patience to work into the right moment

                                          "As is our confidence, so will our achievements"

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