domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

Ref 977.- Gouache .--- Gouache over colored black paper

The following paint it was made mixing a color on a palette first. Start small with a brush, and test the thickness of the paint. Add water, by the drop, and mix. Test always before using. If you notice that the paint is caking, add a little Arabic gum and mix well.  If you are working with small, confined areas, wipe the excess paint off the paintbrush;  Wait until previously painted surfaces are dry before adding any paint on top of them. The water in the new paint will reactivate the old paint: expect the color to run a bit; When finished the painting , varnish any surfaces that might get touched.
Varnish very carefully, by the color. The varnish will reactivate the paint and this will also run. You can either retrace your steps and varnish only certain colors at a time, or be quick and fearless. Remember to always clean the brush, as it will have absorbed color.

Lesson learnt; the paper employed it was to thin, so it wrinkled a lot,  therefore I´ll be looking for a thicker one in a following colored paper exercise

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