sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Ref 992 Watercolor; Zooming in on the use of photographs

             "Friendship is not a big thing; it´s a million Little things"
Photography is asubjective médium, The camera´s eye and the human´s eye do not see reality the same way.- Some painters reject the camera, saying it is a hindrence to their creativity, others regards the camera as a valuable reference tool.
I´m making paintings from photographs, altough I want my work to give the illusion of great accuracy, the painting is always quite different from the photograph refference, simplifying the work by removing details, like clothing, patterns or blemishes and créate just a few textures clarifying the piece by making lines and forms more pronounced, removing out of focus fuzziness and add detail where it may be washed I want the viewer to imagine that there is more happening outside the frame but focusing in a still time fraction of it

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