martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Ref 1006.- Watercolor // Double wet paper process

In searching and experimenting different technics I discover a way to
paint which allows me to lift and define colors in a easy expressionist approach

This is the result to follow this process;

This process requires keeping paper moist so it is recomendable to strech it first
Stage 1.1.- I like the texture given by diluted graphite so I applied with brush just over the dress of the subject previously sketched in a loose way (no definition at all); 1.2.- Apply fixative just over the dress to avoid to dirt the rest of the painting with that graphite; 1.3.- mask the dress and additional points according your sketch; 1.4.- I applied a selective wash of yellow for  light purposes; 1.5 Let to dry completely
Note.- points  1.1; 1.2 are optional and I did because I like graphite texturing


Stage 2.-  I start painting in abstract approach without preconceived idea in a first wet on wet condition, dealing with warm and cool - ligth and dark values

Stage 3.- When I am satisfied with the abstract background I add permanent White (gouache) to highlight some áreas as sections, this is important for following stages and let it dry completely one day

Stage 4 Second wet paper process .- I´ll take the masking away from the painting and put the paint down a water tap with running water (second total wet) where enough paint maintainig are kept with soft edges and unified background  and let id dry again

Stage 5.-  Now I further develop the overall painting  colors and values relationships and define all details adjusting the composition accordingly

         "A painter paints over a canvas but musicians paint over the silence"

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