The reference has been taken from a similar painting which I´ll be reproducing but now in watercolor, over cold press paper.- This is my second exercise with gel ink pen (wáter base) to integrate throught out watercolor
Material needed; 3 gel ink pens; brown; blue & black
watercolor; indigo blue; turquoise;
cad yellow médium;
ochre; cerulean blue
Gouache: permanent White
Brushes; Round fine & médium
Graphite transfer paper .- just for main references
Absorbent Tissues
Stage 1.- Transfer of main lines to work with
Stage 2; This was my first try with graphite paper, .--I did too much pressure and I had to erase some zones, leaving just the main reference lines on it .-then I start to define those lines with brown ink, and even with your finger touch you can difuminate a bit the color over the paper to start working in shadowing, I did the same for the sea with my blue ink pen
Stage 3.- Once this definition is about 60% complete, I start to work with watercolor, mixing ochre and cad med yellow for shadowing on the ship´s sails, and raising paint with paper to integrate, accordigly, once dry I reinforce some additional darks with black ink
Stage 4.- Now I start to work with the sea and sky background with pale colors
Stage 5. Complete definition.- ropes and moorings highligthing with ink / watercolor and additional shine with permanent White either at the sails and/or the sea foam
“Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.”
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