miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Ref 1014.- Watercolor & Gouache // Different Approach of Mixed Combination

Gouache dries very quickly, both on the painting and on the palette.  However, it is rewettable, and remains active, so combined with watercolor you need to take some considerations; unless it is fixed in some way, wet paint – or a wet brush – stroked over it will activate the existing paint, and the existing paint can mix with the fresh paint that´s why in this particular Project I did use fixer
This is the result of this process:

Material needed;
Darck color "Stardream paper"
Transparent watercolor.-
Opaque watercolor.- (gouache); permanent White; lake blue; médium yellow
Fine and regular round brush & fan brush
Fixer; mate True Film

Step 1 Watercolor has been the main ingrdient to handfree-sketching over this dark colored paper in a pretty loose way

Step 2.- I start to add permanent White (gouache) mixed with watercolor to start forming shapes, basically within the flowers,

Once it is semi-shaped I fix and let it dry completely, this is basically the underpainting base

Step 3.- This part of the proces is to highlight main colors, so I use just basicaly gouache and or gouache mixed with watercolor and again once dry apply fixer in spray

Step 4 Final completation with watercolor (transparent properties) .- the bright lines and dots were made with watercolor trying do not re-actívate the lines underneath, that´s way the fixer so extra care is needed with not so much wáter on it, dots were made with a fan brush load of paint then run a finger over it to reléase the paint, spatter from one point to give a pivotal direction to the plume
Note.- real color of this paper base. can be seen upper side right, without touch

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