viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Ref 1027; Watercolor // Working with colored paper Stardream
                                     Fairway color 105 Lb

This is another exercise with colored paper;  Basically  in order to take advantage of the color base to complete the final painting,
(This paper works quite similar to hot press paper)
This is the result of this particular process:

Material needed; Stardream colored paper Fairway color 105 lbs
Transparent watercolor; Viridian hue; Olive green, Burnt umber; Ultramarine blue; Light yellow, White
Opaque watercolor; (Gouache); Permanent White & Lemon Yellow
Round, flat, riggle basically
1st step; Notes.- I´m a form painter rather than a color painter, so due the translucence of the thin paint during the first lines I start to produce a subsurface in wich to work with,  adding form as painting progress so my lines are not indicated at all, but you can start your painting with a pencil sketch reference
First shadows of reference are made with a mix of burnt umber + ultramarine blue, to indicate where the mainform will be in a loose way

2nd Step.- Into the background I start to add viridian, olive Green and yellow in selective áreas; Into the foreground more olive Green and light yellow trying to mimic shrubbery and branches with the brush application flow

3rd Step.- With white I start to indicate lighter tones within the painting
4th Step As this will be my underpainting I´m reinforcing again shadow´s definition with watercolor
I could do it more precise, but in this ocassion I want to show you how noble this process it is with some few easy lines, but you can elaborate more detais if you want to
5th Step; Once you´re happy with your underpainting and this is totally dry, it is time to use opaque watercolor (gouache) basically to highlight some painting values .- In this ocassion I´ll be using permanent white and lemon yellow, < all details with this type of painting are really highlighted >
Ref 1032 Another exercise over this paper 

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