sábado, 28 de mayo de 2016

Ref 1040; Watercolor & Modeling Paste Applied with Spatula

The modeling paste is like marble dust like clay or putty, the paste is withish or colorless, so you can add color to it, to produce any hue you need
So taking advantage of that property the following Project its a good example of its utilization because you need to mix your tuve colors with modeling paste, and you´ll find yourself with a lot of painting on your palette and this sort of paint will need big, thick brushes and painting knives in order to develop a richly texture either under or to complete a painting
As this is one of my first attempt with an already colored paper like Stardream "old gold" color 105 Lb, do not overdo the amount of modeling paste to avoid cracks when it dries eventually 

This is the result of this particular process;

1st Step.- I chose this color paper to combine with "in a gold sunshine colors" combination as underbase, then I start to add translucent watercolor to take advantage of this sort of paper White and Payne´s grey combimed with raw umber to trow out  first lines

2nd Step.- I start to build up background color texture combining watercolor painting with modeling paste.  as this is below final colors all my greens are combined with Payne´s grey, the thicknes is still minimal but will be my foundation for next texturing shapes

Continue to adding more texturing shapes
It is better to do it in several stages allowing each layer to dry before you apply the next in that way can be filled and sealed without any issue of cracking
3rd Step .- Now I can start to add lighter colors above mixed with modeling paste but added with spatula to conform many shapes, colors and brights accordingly
4th Step.- Define and re-define main lines and shadows to finally add now permanent White "gouache" to highlight right side illumination
 Finally - balance colors and hues and then cut the paper
Note some colors are absorbed by modeling paste wait for dry and reinforce if necessary

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