martes, 26 de julio de 2016

Ref 1066.- Watercolor over Stardream "Vista" color paper

                "Who travel for love, find a thousand miles , Shorter"

Main comments "how to" for sea
1.- paper is already blue then... 2.- masking blue is not necessary so start by backruns (damping the surface you want to paint and then drop paint into, as it dries lean the paper towards you need to.--- In order to form gradual shadows (phatalo blue).- 3.- after dry add shadows with same technic but now with (indigo blue).- then mix oily fixative with water and spray above all the sea, when you paint over it (white diluted with blue) the color break and slide a bit producing intrincate effect finally with a fine brush just white over the main waves

Initial sketch with color pencil

Water addition over paper to dislolve pencil lines

Watercolor initial addition


White addition to mix with watercolor below adding wáter in spray
As still wet add fixer in spray to mix with paper humidity

See the White addition difference after fixer spray


Indigo watercolor darker addition over the sea - shadowing

White addition after more fixer in spray over damp paper

Wait for total dry add fixer in spray and over the waves add additional and pure color White

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