lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

Ref 1118 & 1119  Watercolor // Granulation médium through watercolor pencil as underpainting

Exercise to work with granulation médium over watercolor pencil previos sketching
This is the result after complete this particular technique:

                         "Even a snail eventually reach its destination"

1st Step.- Pencil watercolor rendering over Stardream colored paper

2nd Step Working with granulation médium either mixing 1:1 with watercolor paint or preparing a granulation médium over the damp paper and then painting over

Works better if I mix the granulation médium with watercolor paint in a container, so I reworked  some paint addition on it

As the paint dries the granultion can be observed and also I lift some paint of with an absorbent paper to give additional ligths and fancy texture as I´m working with

I´m preparing paint mixed with granulation médium to define contourns, shadowing  and shapes

Below the snail the flow of additional paint eliminates the effect as you can see, so is better to do everything since the begining without try to define to avoid that condition .- finally I added permanent White of gouache to highlight lines, shapes and general ligth integrating and fading again with an absorbent paper

The following painting was made with different granulation médium ratios to watercolor experimenting with its effect power

The effect can be seen as it dries I start with 1/8 to 1:1 , Works preety good as 1:1 mixed previously for addition with brush

 I added finally  a figure to give more mistrious effect to my painting


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