jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Ref 1128; Watercolor // Watercolor + (texturing & iridiscent médium) over Stardream aquarium color paper

Transparent watercolor in essence is painting without the use of white
  paint, any opaque paint or wash, and nothing else. Whether it is in tube
  or cake form, watercolor is a blend of pigment (colored powder), gum
  arabic (a water-soluble adhesive), and enough water to make the mixture
 Base on that, this technique is not quite a watercolor purist technic, but needs of watercolor instead i.e. gouache, tempera or acrylic, due its transparency to achieve a blend of deep colors on it

This is the result of following next graphical steps
(Note: see ref 1127 my first similar exercise)

1st Step.- Watercolor loose idea - sketching;  over this particular type of paper with a round brush

Note.- Blending is everything in watercolor painting and anyone who is able to paint a good sky, e.g., without showing the strokes, may be ranked high  in technique in watercolor. I personally believe it is what makes a watercolor sing...
  The beauty of water color painting lies in its transparency and brilliancy however with this technic you don´t need to take that care within these initial steps (we are looking for texturing blended and deep colors) So the underpainting will help us later on to get deep colors
The following picture shows how it looks the first step once is dry

2nd Step.- Now lets work with texturing médium, You need also a scouring plastic sponge to texturize, this médium can be added mixed with watercolor or as it,  this is up to you (try it before to check what will be better for your idea)

Note; I blended the texturing médium with watercolor paint and then I added with a small spatula taking care to do it in base the illumination source planned for my painting, I like to add different colors which with this technique is more easy because in normal watercolor blending when many colors are added they become a grey muddy tone

The only condition to add different colors  is to let dry the different layers among them
3rd Step.-In the following picture I start to add volumen through the figures contourn remarked with a pen to follow easily the lines (just texturing médium without any color, so with this step will have  also a ligthly 3D appearance

This type of media dries quickly so let me work rather in a fast way
At this moment the following picture shows my underpainting to work with

4th Step.- Now everytime I add watercolor with my brush the color become deeper, base un the underpainting below and also I integrate colors with the help of an absorbent paper

 Pictures as the painting are progressing:

I mixed iridiscent médium with the blue color to produce a kind of glosy effect which I added once past layers are throughly dried

5th Step. Final touches with a fine brush to define shadows and highlights
Some White highlights were made with opaque permanent white of gouache, but all painting needs to be do it with watercolor because if you use acrylic or gouache the transparent condition will be missed

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