domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Ref 1134; 1135; 1136 Inktense Watercolor Pencil & Plain Waterolor Mixed Media

 My first test with "Inktense pencils" are labeled as water-soluble ink pencils, meaning that the binder is different from watercolor pencils. Once activated layers have dried, they become permanent like ink. This allows for additional layers to be applied over the top, producing a glazing effect that is a bit more difficult to achieve with watercolor pencils

Ref 1134.- "What could it be, it´s a mirage"   (over hot press paper)

Second test with inktest pencils plus watercolor
now over cold press paper ref. 1135

Ref 1136.-
"Reading a book with great imagination, is as good as taking a journey"
Watercolor Inktense pencils and watercolor over hot press paper

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