viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

Ref 1143 Watercolor .- Creating an easy atmosphere through watercolor "mixing color previously in a small containers"

This particular process is easier than trying to overlaid washes to build up the color you want and to avoid  brushing over and over a previous wash with the risk that the underwash lift and you have to sacrifice the translucency ,

This exercise is quite simple but gives excellent results
Materials are indicated through following steps

Step 1.- Paper is cold press 140 lbs, You need to plan ahead lighter positions and try to avoid pencil lines as much as posible, I forced the contrast in the following photograph so you can see my few pencil lines and the masking fluid added to preserve whites and reflections  (masking fluid has been diluted 1:1 with wáter)

Step 2.- (An important thing to remember when mixing colors is that they look much darker on the pool /palette;  than when applied to the paper and left to dry .- therefore try out mixtures on a sheet of sketching papers in advance)
I mixed cerulean blue and Payne´s grey in a small container (A) and yellow + yellow médium in another (B) to work with

With a wet sponge I marked previously within the paper where I wanted to conform the color background  (container A) and I start adding with a round brush (from my planning darker áreas) then I tilted the paper so the paint run free toward the upper sky part and I marked another áreas within the paper to suggest another shadowing then leave to dry completely

Step 3 Container B.- This áreas will be the ones with high ilumination in my painting I added some extra shadowing with médium yellow.- leave to dry completely again

Step 4 Now you can use container A to form figures, shapes etc. think first in your background so details will be easier at the end
I start to add another colors in the foreground flesh; blue; and violet to suggest forms accordingly

Process undergoing

Step 5.- With the paint from container "A" and with a fine round brush  in your rigth hand and and absorbent paper in your left hand you can integrate color distance, cleaning up and lifting out as you add color

Step 6.- keep working details until be satisfied

                                "Sunday Morning Market"

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