sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

Ref 1149.- Watercolor // Texturizing wet over a mix wet of < "60%alcohol,40% wáter" damping surface >

Alcohol and water don’t mix, so it creates a neat effect when you add some rubbing alcohol to your painting. I’ve found to get this effect to work well, you need to really make your paper wet! Also, try to use a higher concentrate of alcohol (ie: 60% as opposed to 50 or 40%) through out semi-final steps
This is the result to apply this technique within the following painting;

Step 1.- The first background step it was  by painting with my water colors, over just wáter "wet on wet" to sketch the main reference idea; ---(as I planning in advance I added some masking fluid for the grass and rocks previously)

2nd Step.- Let id dry troughly and then according with this procedure I change my wáter pool from wáter to a mix of alcohol-wáter (70%-30%) to damp the paper in a partial way with the help of a plastic sponge.- add then darker watercolor tones over the brushes áreas
TIP:_  Have some old tissue paper lying around?-- Scrunch it up and after painting a piece of paper with some bright and deep colors, making sure your paper is nice and wet (same blend) , press down on it gently with the crumpled up tissue paper. You’ll get a great texture  this way.

2-3.- Step --The previous wash must be only sligthly damp, in order to achieve soft edges without the colors flowing into each other so wait until the sheen has diminished, and then in semi dry condition with the help of an spatula or plastic card make some scratchs to suggest highlighted branches

4th Step.- Now I apply the brigthest greens (try to mix your different greens thru, blue with yellow preferably) keep adding scratchs to créate more interesting shapes and definitions into the brushes

Note.- the "alcohol/wáter mix" once it dries opaque vibrant tones. but separates and/or break  the different colors interestingly.- so take this in account making previous testings over scratch paper

5th Step.- Definition and final touchs with fine brushes to créate and suggest particular branches, you can use either the alchol/wáter pool  or wáter pool depending  if your defining rocks (soft focus) or branches (more in focus lines)  integration into the painting and also take away the masking fluid of it as required

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