martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

Ref 1210 Watercolor pencil over Strathmore 500 colored paper

The effects you achieve depend not only on how you apply the pigments, but also on how you add water. I usually scribble tone in with an energetic zigzag effect. Then I wet with broad areas of water applied with a soft brush, yielding a blended wash with a bit of a linear pattern remaining. You may prefer a more controlled cross-hatching to achieve this broken tone–try it. Use a single color or as many as you like, either simultaneously or one at a time, washing with water and allowing it to dry before adding another

This is the result of this particular Project; working over Strathmore series 500 Brown ligth colored paper

           "Farewell on a date of love"

Basic steps;
1.- Watercolor pencil main idea sketching

2.1 .- Smooth Pencil, Water Added Lightly
I applied this blue with a fairly even application of pigment–nearly flat, fading to a relatively smooth but light application to the right top. Then I quickly and lightly added water. It still lifted the pigment to a considerable degree, but you can see the pencil lines under it

2.2 progress
 3.- Sometimes I reinforce tones scrumble more pencil over dark zones in a semi.wet condition. integrating them with and absorbent paper and care to avoid to lift up much painting

3.1.- progress

4.- This paper isn´t White so the addition of this color will really enhance the painting
Tip, where the ligths are suggested I moistened the paper with a brush and in the center added the White color spreading from the center integrating again with paper

5.- Final touchs, more definition between shadows and ligths and sometimes I use again watercolor pencils to reinforze some líneas or áreas without added wáter at all, but let it dry throughly to be certain with results, before finish it

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