lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Ref 1218.- Acrylic over texturized Stardream colored paper

This time I´ll be working with acrylic.- watercolor can be a fun medium. It creates beautiful washes of color that can be a joy to brush onto paper. But, watercolor can be a problematic medium. Because of its transparent nature, it’s easy for an artist to lost control of it. Overworking can be a real problem. When watercolor dries, it lightens up and appears pale and faded.
With acrylic color remains once dries and you can work above without disturb underneath with no special care
The main steps are indicated below:

"The Nature sound through morning mist"

I decide to make this Project over Stardream colored paper, for two main reasons; Take advantage of its natural color (Aquamarine color 105 lbs.) to combine as background and its resistance to wáter (if work with some care) I use to work with canvas on cardboard which is the best base for this type of job but this will be a new challenge

1st step Paper need to have some humidity on it so I pass a sponge with wáter over the áreas I need to attach my colored modeling paste, which I use to apply either with a fine spatula or with an old flat brush (needs to be hard enough to support the modeling paste on it)

2nd step, Before modeling paste become dry I pass  and/or apply wáter to smooth a Little bit the surface, because will make easy the following steps to paint with my round, angular or filbert brush and then you can scratch conform and or edge some áreas for future painting references

Note in canvas over cardbore the wáter addition is not problema but with paper I attached with masking tape to a plastic board i 2 sides of it because will be difficult to attach in 4 sides this type of paper

3rd step.- I start by adding shadows and saving whites as much as posible, in watercolor paper it is better to work from ligth to dark but with this technique is opposite

To remedy my watercolor issues, I started using my acrylics as a watercolor instead. When diluted with water into a transparent wash, acrylic looks exactly like traditional watercolor paints. But, there are a few differences in them, which make me very happy. First, each wash of color will dry true to their color. They don’t dry lighter like their watercolor counterpart. The colors stay as deep dry, as they do when they are wet. No more surprise fading over

4th Step.- I like to use diluted acrylic when creating a silhouette landscape as well
You can treat acrylic somewhat like watercolor when you dilute the paint with enough water. You can use the watered down paint to apply translucent washes on your surface. However, unlike watercolor, the acrylic paint will set permanently. Mixing wash and dry brush methods can be very effective in creating a variety of textures in a single piece .- So base on that I mixed Little bit of cerulean blue into White and then diluted for next step

5th Step.- Then You can emphatize the river painting working as a negative painting adding shadows between some lines previously added with the edge of the spatula taking care of the natural flow of the river stream. for the mist I just added more wáter as it drys and integrate with absorbent towel until get a suggestive mist
6th Step finish details ,. nagative working has been initiaded also into the calm side of the river (left side, but with use of just brush in a vertical way to suggest the land and rocks upper reflection
However into the rocks I completed more with ligthed colors applied with spatula to give additional rock texture on it
Final step is to glaze with dilured clear varnish and more varnish among the rocks which needs to look complete wet

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