martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Drawing made through pencil blending with baby oil ---with shadow and lines reinforced with "dark color markers"  
 (I´ll be posting several examples before make "how to" commentaries) to gain experience and enhance results

                                               Ref  AS051 (Seat)
Ref AS052  (Toyota FT-1)
Ref S055 
Pencil + markers + acrylic White
Ref AS056
Pencil blending slightly with alcohol plus markers 
Works fine from clear to dark áreas
(I have to use masking liquid & Knife, but difficult to control, or more practice, but I rather like/use, baby oil with this type of paper)
Ref S057
The curse of King
pencil blending with alcoho/baby oil + markers
Ref S058
Mix of all together

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