jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Practice for a comisión painting
                                                      Ref CO718
This painting is copy of another painting I found through out internet, in order to check and practice before make another drawing of my own (from now.-a 
 photograph), the leopard have a lot of dots arranged ia particular way so I start making the black gradued color of them adding afterwards the color skin, and right after I added again black/Brown to reinforce the black/Brown to reinforce and try to define the dots again in some particular áreas, this practice make me understand which order I must to follow to make a better painting .- Regarding the background I start with payne´s gray added to the plaster to make random shapes, once it´s dry I added white colored plaster with Little rock color ---to cover finally with just plaster White added with a knife .- in other words this is practice of the painting I want to improve regarding leopard face and skin, into my next  painting
Ref PO720

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