miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Ref 868.-Masking fluid more tips
Masking Fluid can be applied at any stage of your painting as long as the surface is thoroughly dry

Fluid can be rolled off using your finger, or a putty rubber. Rubbing your hand across the paper will detect any you have missed.
I use Winsor & Newton's Art Masking Fluid and cold press paper. There are many products available, so it would be wise to experiment with your materials before using. Papers vary; some are soft and have little size, hence are more absorbent. Fluid may be difficult to remove if left on too long-- If you are to put your painting aside for a while before finishing, I would advise removing the fluid and reapplying when you recommence.
I don't use it often because it gives so sharp edges, but for the following example, the snow should be okay, as the color won´t be completely white---Fluid can be flicked off the bristles of a toothbrush. Care must be taken, do not load brush too much or you will get drips. I hold a scrap of paper under the brush while flicking fluid to catch any drips
                                      "Art must take reality by surprise"

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