domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Ref 907.-Watercolor.-  Exercise, with modeling paste partially applied

This is the final result of this process:

Through all my painting experience, since I started using modelin paste, the paintings are been enhanced a lot due the properties of it , and the way I use to paint (basically from dark to clear), The watercolorist painters most of them start in the opposite way, but my background came from oleo, and acrylic, so with the use of modeling paste,I can start with the painting average color as underpainting and even from dark colors without many specific concerns,
This exercise, is to compare and check how can I take advantage of those properties
My previous painting was made with modeling paste thru all the painting, but in this one it was used just in the watermelon color red to make a kind of deepness and tone´s richness and also in the cardboard box to facilitate folds and wrinkles, and in purpose, I didn´t add the modeling paste to compare how it looks like when I didn´t use at all

Let me tell you that there are many wonderful watercolor paintings of watermelons, but with this technic, you can obtain easy and wonderful results, because once the modeling paste is dry you can add more transparent painting over it as layers, without disturb the underpainting even if you add a lot of wáter, therefore to make the box it was relatively easy 1st the average and dark colors blended with modeling paste 2nd wait to dry. 3rd.- paint with a brush details, and finally another layer of colored or not colored modeling paste applied with spatula to make a minimal thickness layer enough to uniformize results according light source, and the watermelon red color shown a texture ideal for brush color addition which it was completed with watercolor pencil .

In the other hand regarding the watermelon rind I started as I use to with darks and or shadows as underpainting reference, nevertheless once I start to add the greenish color the watercolor below start to dissolve and combine making a muddy appearance if I don´t take care

Well like I said this exercise it was made to check how I can combine technics, and show to you the advantages to work with modeling paste

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