martes, 26 de enero de 2016

Ref 981.- Watercolor.- How to loosen up

The following painting was made basically for one own´s pleasure, therefore I chose one photograph from the web a simple one but with the idea to do it in a loosing way, to do that I took some liberties to move elements around in my case hidding it and just focus in the subject which catch my eye, I kept my art supplies at my desk so I´m ready to go without any planing (when inspiration hits, leap on), Paint larger I mean with larger brushes such as 1/2 round and jumbo, after sketching in this particular case with wáter soluble pencils. the Little feathers in the abdomen where just enough to make of it "the detail part"
Keep your paper at arm´s length, standing up and painting on a low flat surface
Base on the colors needed I prepare a cups of premixed paint, and from there once ready work faster. Finally stop before you think you are done, trust your viewer in order to complete and fill any missing information, in order to balance color, shape, intention, some details, some guessing, some particular lines and you´ll see that loosen up is the best way to paint in watercolor, just feel the emotion, and the joy of paint in a spontaneus way

Well this was the result of a that quick  and loose paint , the wáter soluble pencils, help a lot in the soaked paper surface to work accuratly fast

               "Down to the water"

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