martes, 26 de enero de 2016

Ref 982.- Watercolor.- Experimenting with a mixed texturization

As this is my first try to achieve a double texturization, I won´t make precise comments, however following are the main steps to make this paprticula paint:

1-  Selective primary color added according previous soluble pencil sketching;
2.- (texturization) with soluble graphite, applied with brush;
3.- Fixative, (important point for this process to block out previous painting work)
4.- (texturization) bright color with fan brush;(the transparency of the paint it is quite important to cover from dark to light if needed) 
5.- Selective yellow overlay.-(glazing, again the color paint transparency and amount of wáter it´s important for this particular step

The result was not so bad, but my idea was to try better dark tones which are not yet enough (lack of contrast), so in a future exercise the soluble graphite will be added with less amount of wáter and probably I´ll mix transparent and opaque watercolor to achieve a better result, like I said this was my first try out , mixing texturization techniques
In the other hand; I enjoy learning from this particular exercise

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