A graded wash is one that becomes lighter as it progress down the paper, while a variegated one contains more than one color ideal for sunset effects and also for the background of this storm
This is the result of this process: ( Ref Carl G. Evers original painting)
Stage 1 Materials; round brushes several sizes
color .- (watercolors) chrome yellow; ochre, ultramarine, Payne´s grey,
Viridian, burnt sienna ; phtalo Green
(gouache) permanent White
paper 190 gr
The sketch it was made with pencil just to indicate main forms location
Stage 2.- you need to work fast with variegated washes, so its important to mix the colors in advance, lay the colors in even or random band, depending in the effect you want to acchieve, and do not try to work back onto the paint while is drying
Background.- From top to bottom yellow chrome; ultramarine blue, some alizarim and finally viridiam I lifted paint near to the ocean with a wet tissue to represent foam waves
Tip as it dry the best way to add paint (if needed is from the sides toward the center tilting the paper accordingly)
Stage 3.- I didn´t add so much pigment into the background because I want to represent windy and rainy effect, Then I start deciding the palm refference at the frontground with payne´s grey
Stage 4.- Add colors in a loose but happy way (no remorse) feel the scene
Stage 5.- Negative painting into the ocean.- Begin to paint the sea, starting at the horizon (the atmosphere and see are viridan so with more viridian you start to define the horizon )working gradually forward, great care take to reserve the highlights the tip of the brush is used to make calligraphic marks (tip-- be sure the first layer of paint is dry before next is applied)
Stage 6 Highligths and shadows .- final contrast.- Directional brushstrokes are key element, to provide color contrast include some color branches,feeding into the foliage masses and add dark accents, dry paint spread a Little into the sky at the edge of clumps to suggest feathery texture
I had to apply permanent White again into the oscean waves to suggest foam formation and spray wáter and use tissue until be satisfied with bottom right side, finally with a great movement of my forearm and with a fine brush I did some lines into dark spots to suggest rain into the wind
"Even in the midst of the storm, the sun is still shining"
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