This is the result to following this experimental process:
Notes; as this is an experiment, sometimes I have to rework through out the steps because sometimes I´m not sure of results, however this is the logic to complete this painting
1st step: The color paper is quite dark, however I was able to sketch in pencil the idea --- As I´m going to take advantage of this color as the dark sahadow, my first step is to mask accordingly
Also I took advantage of the bar soap to rub over the paper in a random but horizontal way, so the paint will break over it
2nd Step once completely dry and taking advantage of gravity (for tilting the paper from side to side) I start to drop watercolor painting mixed with White gouache 1:1 background is flesh watercolor tone 1:1 White gouache midground is just White gouache and foreground is ochre watercolor 1:1 White gouache in horizontal way
3rd Step.- I took away part of the masking for my own references and I did another brushing over the painting with just White watercolor (more transparent than White gouache)
4th Step; I start to redifine clear shadows (more contrast) so to do it; you can do it in two ways, with a knife which now I do not recommend because I damage the paper quite easily as you can see in the upper beach and/or the boy´s shadow so it is better to use an old wear brush dip in wáter and then remove paint from the paper with a paper napkin, the gouache paint is easy to remove once reactivated, where there is watercolor take more time but is easy in some way also, this activity takes time and patience, but is the finishing part
5th step.- Once you complete previous step I again reinforce ligths with just White gouache trying to conform a logic common sense over the beach, until you be satisfied.- that´s it
Ref 1034 Another eercise above this paper
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