martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Ref 1030.- Watercolor // Watercolor over Stardream dolomite color paper 105 Lb

This is another exercise, with this sort of paper, "dolomite color" is basically bright litmus
and like I said in previous projects works quite similar to hot press paper

This is the result of this particular process:

My reference is a photography found at internet, but as this is my first exercise with litmus color, I start with the darker colors at the bottom and from there start to work in the high mountain  and before start with details I tested the colors I wanted over this paper to check values
I use to make my greens rather than take it from the watercolor tubes, however this time I didn´t so the greens at the bottom are a combination of Thalo Green, sap Green and Green bladder, combined with ultramarine blue and Van Dyke Brown, playing with a brush a tree vertical perspective; Mountain blues are; prussian blue, thalo blue and ultramarine blue, rocks are defined with Van  dyke Brown, sky a Little bit of med yellow and some above in the mountain everything above this colored paper

Once I felt satisfied with watercolor values, I start by define all shadows and forms

Above this type of paper it is quite easy make corrections adding wáter and cleaning with an aborbent paper, or use that paper to integrate new lines according color values

Final step .- Snow brigths are ( permanent white of gouache) which is opaque and brigth added with a little spatula following mountain light and angles  and again I reinforce some darks colors to contrast the whole scene 

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