Ref 1031.- Watercolor // Watercolor over Stardream Citrino color paper
Experimental process now with gel ink pen, and watercolor pencil as the sketching initial lines
This is te result of this process:
This time I was not sure in how to take advantage of the sketching initial lines, I had two ideas to start with either with watercolor pencil and/or with gel ink pen, both of this media dissolve with wáter but I wanted to left some of this lines suggesting painting main features
This colored paper is light blue, so I start by sketching with watercolor pencil rubbing from time to time with my fingers to indicate main shadows
As this is an experimental technique I tried also black gel ink pen to reinforce some lines at the bridge basically, I also added watercolor White to check its influence but it does not work at all at this time.
So I added White gouache and as this dissolve also dissolve the sketching lines so you need to be selective in wáter amount by the way the darker tones came from the black gel ink working in some way better with this paper all buildings were made with pencil watercolor and stained a Little bit
Now with Payne´s grey watercolor and a fine round brush I reinforced the bridge features and I apply a Little bit of médium yellow watercolor so the palette through all this painting is just Payne´s grey, médium yellow and permanet White to highlight everything needed
Finally to complete the painting was added White gouache with minimal dissolution to suggest lights over the bridge and fine lines with payne´s grey for additional details
Base on this experimental painting I´ll be using ink gel to sketch some following projects to work with this paper
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