martes, 28 de junio de 2016

Ref 1054.- Watercolor // Watercolor over stardream Mars color paper

An easy Project which require as material
Stardream "Mars color" paper 105Lb (Note: This particular paper is not precisely made for watercolor but works fine; following the next steps, and we take advantage of its base color for our purposes)
Colors needed;
rosa madder; lemon yellow; ultramarine blue; violet; indigo blue in watercolor
permanent white in gouache
Round brushes
Derwent graphitone very dark wash 8B

1st Step.- For the figures I did use pencil for the rest of guiding lines I did use Derwent graphitone 8B; which dilutes with wáter and form the dark underpainting I´m looking for, The round brush I´m using is in some way hard to draw also with it 
The black color of this pencil reactivates every time you add waterso keep in the áreas needed

2nd Step.- The color scheme here is a simple one, based on the contrast of the colors indicated, I applied the yellow mark, to give me a reference in how I need to play with my colors at the sky
As you can see only the pencil lines of the figures still are indicated within the paper .- Note now my brush is softer because I´m just adding color with wáter trying not to disturb dark colors below

3rd Step, let it dry as you progress and have fun adding colors without fear
Now some dark watercolors start to be added to define forms

4th Step .- Final definition The permanent White of gouache gives light so I mixed sometimes to give more values accordingly.- nevertheless the color Wheel is quite importanto to muted secondaries, the primary colors farthest apart créate more muted mixtures, which could be useful for crating shadows
                    "I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye"
Now a series of pictures of a painting I didn´t like at all but which process was interesting just for the record ref 1053 I did repeat some process twice due I wasn´t satisfied

Ref 1052;.- Another fail .- Because I didn´t paint the background first and I screw it up by the end
MIXED MEDIA.- Modeling paste, graphitone & gouache as underpainting highlighted with acrylic painting over Stardream silver color paper

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