viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

Ref 1055 .- Watercolor over Sapphire color paper - The importance of the brush movement and flow within a painting 

Exercise; The ideais to take adavantage of the blue base color paper
Then working just with permanent White gouache, ---- the rest (figures) are in watercolor;.-  To give additional values to the movement of the wáter also I added light blue on it, around the figures through out the jump

                                 "Winning is not eveything; but wanting to win is"

Initial stage
Dark color of the figures is ultramarine  blue + orange + burnt umber

Spraying wáter break and reactivate the painting gouache lines above the figures on this paper, making easy to flow the brush accordingly.- this is the moment to work with the brush until be satisfied
and then  add light to the figures with a mix of cerulean blue + orange

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