viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

Ref 1056; Watercolor, watercolor pencil & diluted ink (My first experimental approach)

This time I´m testing a wáter soluble ink (SERRA brand) to include within this watercolor painting, basically for shadowing with the help of a cotton moistened with this particular mixture (no toxic solvents are necessary and once it sets is not reactivated by wáter, which is a big plus

Probably the theme is not interesting however the method seems to me, it is so I´d like to share with all of you 

                                       "painting of a happiness tear"

Material needed for this project;
Stardream Litmus color paper
Watercolor pencils; watercolor tubes; permanent white gouache; round brushes; burn sienna & Brown wáter soluble ink, cotton and absorbent paper

1st. Step.-- As this was my first intent I had some lesson´s learnt so I started with watercolor pencil as my main lines guidance (do not overdo this initial step)

2nd Step.-  As I´m applying lines I´m wetting them to conform the idea,

I was trying to shadowing but watercolor needs many layers to do it, that´s why the wáter soluble ink Works pretty good in such cases, and also this paper is not quite absorbent so I tried to avoid these isolated spots that you can see in the following picture

3rd Step.- I did a puddle of diluted ink with Brown and burn sienna which I apply with a cotton into the painting main shadows fading it with additional wáter. the results are very interesting and Works quickly (extra care is needed to avoid paint in places you don´t need to)

My first ink wáter dilution was too big but allows me to work Little by Little until be satisfy

4th Step.- Once completely dry I started to play with watercolor pencil again trying to conform some details, fading again with a moistened brush and/or covering with watercolor brushing, I cover again with diluted ink  this part can be made, the times you needed however extra care is needed to avoid disturb colors below so I think is better to use ink just one time as base of the final watercolor pencil which was one of my main lesson´s learnt, nevertheless I had a good time and I hope you like to try those new products
By the way the hapiness tears came from the heart not from the mind

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