jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Ref 1057; 1058; 1059 Watercolor variances & practices over Stardream color paper

"The Lemur poet, and his happy thoughts"

Watercolor texturized with fixative and water spray over Stardream gold color paper - just white is gouache

“The fragrance of the rose, remains on the hand that gives it.”
Watercolor over Stardream black color paper

"Rendezvous at the forest"
Mixed media.- Derwent graphitone pencil, diluted ink as underpainting then watercolor and finally just the yellow color reinforced with pastel pencil> over Stardream light blue color paper

Key step; Chinese ink along with wáter spray lifted up with a plastic sponge to texturize branches at the top of the tres

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