domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Ref 1088; Watercolor // Esculpting a painting with modeling paste

This is the result of the following exercise;

Main steps; After sketch the figure, start filling it out with modeling paste the inner contour, try to do so, by follow the figure flow with a fine spatula, the paper is known as Stardream silver color paper, it´s quite resistant but you can do over watercolor paper of heavy weigth too.

You need to apply several layers to conform the figure as needed, to do so you need to wait for dry the previous one, as Works evolves I confirm main shadows lines with soluble graphitone pencil, threfore at the same time the modeling paste is taken shadowing color where needed, at the edges try to fade modeling paste to avoid Sharp 3D zones, it does´t matter if you pass the figure lines .-- modeling paste can be disolved with wáter in be lifted it out with your fingers

This is how it looks after 3 different layers

I start to work with watercolor .- the modeling paste allow us to absorb color in a particular way which gives a lot of fun and control it´s quite noble .- also I added modeling paste at the background wetting my fingers in the solution (modeling paste + wáter 1:5) wait for dry and add additional colors and shadows

I added cerulean blue  to reinforce shadowings and also gouache permanent White for additional brights within the figura in addition to watercoloring accordingly, and you have a 3D sculpting painting  within the paper. and don´t worry the modeling paste is flexible enough once is completely dry

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