domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Ref 1089 Watercolor // painting a beliable atmosphere with the help of alcohol & cotton

This is the result of this application;

Main steps;
The idea is to créate a colorful atmosphere.- the alcohol creates a different but beliable texture which in this case will be made over hot press paper, within this exercise
Alcohol repeals wáter pushing the paint away and creating some White shapes (base color paper), when spattered or dripped, in this case I use cotton with alcohol to break the watercolor painting as much as possible to apply a color over the painting

1st. step.- With Payne´s grey in a round brush I mainly sketch in a loose way the theme to work with

2nd Step.- Within the upper part (lighting source) I apply diluted masking fluid to conform some flower´s shapes, and now I´m more confident to apply the color´s shadows here and there

Tip.- color of shadows are regarding the complimentary colors (colors that are opposite each to other in the color Wheel) purple for yellow and red for Green giving me richer shadows with depth in my composition, the wáter I´m using have some porcentaje (approx. 10%) of alcohol to start breaking colors has been applied,
3rd step.- Once the base and flowers are painted I left to dry before continue (alcohol dries quickly)  Then with alcohol in my cotton (not totally saturated) I pick up some watercolor to rub over the painting in a vertical way to start creating a colorful atmosphere

4th Step.- I take away the masking fluid and continue applying color "with my cotton with alcohol" to fade some of the flowers basically into the background

5th Step.- Final touches.- Negative color application reinforcement with same alcohol wáter solution
And finally opaque watercolor White reinforcement (gouache permanent White) to define some of the foreground flowers and diluted shine lines to suggest sun rays integrating them with absorbent paper through out the lifting out painting technic
Notes;you may notice difficulty in lifting colors whose dyes are more soluble in alcohol because the alcohol enhances those dyes’ staining properties

Painting with the watercolor-alcohol mix was, in a word, weird. It feels almost like dry brushing, but with a wet brush.The alcohol soaked into the paper very quickly, along with whatever pigment I managed to scrape up


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